Monday, December 28, 2015

Last Week to Work Hard... Pray for Our Investigators

Bom dia! 

Man it was so great to talk to you guys on Christmas! Man everyone´s growing so much!

Christmas here was HOT! haha, but pretty great. We had lunch, went to talk to you guys on skype, and then worked the rest of the day. The members here are really taking care of us. There are lots of great families here! Guess what happened yesterday! A stinkin bird crapped on my last white shirt! Man I´m gonna have to wash it pretty well get that stain out. Haha!

Monday, December 21, 2015

There is So Much to Do and So Little Time! Pray for Me....

Bom Dia! 

Man I just realized that I already told you about half of my week in the last email because of Christmas conference. The rest of the week was pretty great until Sunday morning, when everyone that we had to bring to church ended up not waking up or not coming. Yeah it was kind of a bummer. But now we´re up to the last week to find people to teach and baptize. We have a few that we are teaching but now we need to find more. 

I feel like there´s so much to do and so little time to do it. Pray for me please that we can find the miracles we need and the people that the Lord is preparing for us THIS WEEK. We really need it. I love this work so much and I never want to stop working. Maybe my 2 year mission will end, but I´ll never stop being a missionary. Pray that I can stay strong these last two weeks and work hard. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Christmas Conference was Awesome!

Hey family I got your package! Thanks so much. It was awesome and exactly what I needed! My comp and the missionaries that we live with sure liked it too. They told me to tell you thanks. Man you guys totally saved my life with the white shirt. I was going to have to go buy a good white shirt to come home cuz I don´t have a single one that´s not like ruined or yellow or totally worn out by the rain or sun. Thanks guys ! Love you so much!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Grateful for Church and the Opportunity to Partake of the Sacrament

You know that feeling you get when you are so wet that it doesn´t even matter if you get more wet or not. Yeah that's pretty much how I felt this week. We got soaked from Monday to Friday, it pretty much rained nonstop. We don´t have an umbrella! haha! But it was pretty fun. Wednesday morning we were walking to an appointment with an investigator (in the rain) when we heard a little "meow". We looked over and in a puddle of running water there was a plastic bag on the ground with 4 baby kittens that were soaking wet and almost drowning. Some JERK totally threw them away. So we grabbed them and put them out of the rain. We found a tree right next to a elementary school that was about to let the kids out for lunch. We figured  that some kids would find them and take care of them. and they did. When we stopped by later that day, they were gone, so someone took them home. Woo! Not only do we save souls as missionaries but we´re saving cats too! Heck yes!

Do you guys remember Maria that we were teaching. The one that´s 85 years old? She was baptized on Wednesday! She´s such a sweet lady and the members really took her in. One family brought her home to eat lunch with them after church. She´s pretty happy, but I feel kind of bad cuz when I  went to baptize her, she went under the water she opened her mouth and let a whole lot of water in. But she´s alright. I was a bit nervous to baptize her cuz I was afraid she would literally have to be "born again" after she came out of the water. 

Monday, November 30, 2015

I'm Loving Foz Do Iguacu! Lots of Work to Do!

I´m loving Foz Do Iguaçu so far! It´s super great but Really HOT! 

Man it´s a pretty great area here. We have air conditioning in my apartment! not like the whole apartment, but there's air conditioning in the bedroom! It´s AWESOME! It´s the first time I´ve had an air conditioned house since I came to Brazil, haha so about 2 years. My new comp is Elder A. Gonçalves from Goiânia (central Brazil). He´s a super great missionary and we´re working well together. And no, we haven´t gone to the waterfalls yet, but hopefully a bit later in the transfer. 

But I´ll be honest, I am tired after we finish emailing, I´m going back to the apartment to SLEEP! Haha so that we can work hard next week!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Thanks for All the Support and Prayers

Bom dia!

It´s started. Man it´s so hard to believe how fast time passes. I hasn´t even hit me yet that I've started my last transfer of my mission. And frankly, I'm glad. I´m ready to work these last 6 weeks that I have.
Speaking of transfers, I´ve been transferred! Totally caught me off guard, but I`m not going to finish my mission here in Cascavel. I´m going to Foz do Iguaçu! My new companion is going to be Elder A. Gonçalves. I know him pretty well and he´s a really great missionary. He´s actually from my group, which means that this is his last transfer too. Crazy!
Transfer calls can be hard, especially when you love where you are serving.

So yeah, I´m kind of sad to leave this area because I´ve really enjoyed it and I have a really good companion, but I'm excited to work hard in Foz. I might be able to go see the waterfalls too! We´ll see. But just so you know. Foz is REALLY hot, so I´m definitely gonna get back like really  burnt!

Monday, November 16, 2015

This Is Exactly Where I Am Supposed to Be...The Joy of a Baptism

What´s up guys! 

Crazy week. starting off. Pedro was baptized yesterday!  He got married on Friday and was baptized after church yesterday. The Baptism was really spiritual. After the baptism he went up to bear his testimony and cried as he talked about how he felt and everything. Great experience! :) He knows all of the members really well since he´s been going to church since the start of this year, so he had a lot of support from the members.

Monday, November 9, 2015

You Never Know Who Is Prepared to Accept the Gospel

Mission Tour

Bom dia bom dia com muita alegria!

Great week! lots of great experiences but don´t have time to tell them all. Man i´ve really gota start writing in my journal, haha.

Pedro is on date for this Sunday! He´s getting married on Friday and his baptism is going to be sunday after church. I was talking to him Sunday. He´s a bit anxious, but really excited. He´s been prepping for a long time. 

We found lots of really good new investigators this week, and we´re really excited to keep working with them.

We´re teaching one investigator, named Frisnel. He´s one of the Hatians that we are bringing to church. The hardest part is teaching him because he has difficulty speaking and understanding portuguese. Haha, when we teach him, i feel like i´m back at the start of my mission again witht the language barrier, but that really reminded me of how much the Lord has blessed me to be able to get the hang of the language to the point of being able to preach the gospel. We´ve been trying to show him the video of the restoration because we can show it to hime in French, but he doesn´t have tv at home or internet, so we´re planning to do it at a member´s house or at the church. wish us luck! pray that it goes well!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Hymns Can Help Make Things Better

Cascavel Zone

Bom Dia! 

I got your package Aunt Jackie and Christy! Thank you so much it was amazing and totally made my week!
We had our mission tour this week. Marcos Rais came to speak to us. He´s a member of the seventy. Super funny and really spiritual too. I really learned a lot that I´m going to apply to my mission for the next 2 months. We had a 7 hour bus ride to Londrina on Thursday, the mission tour on Friday and we got on the bus immediately after to go back to Cascavel.

But guess what happened, 2 hours in, the BUS BROKE! Haha and in the middle of nowhere too. We had to wait like two hours for somebody to come and fix it. But it was actually pretty fun. We sung a few upbeat hymns to keep everyone excited and we joked and talked a lot. There were about 30 missionaries on the bus (2 zones) But after a couple of hours, while we were waiting, one of the sisters in our zone that has a health problem basically stopped breathin and passed out. HOLY COW! Luckily my comp was like studying to be a doctor, so he was helping her while me and a bunch of other missionaries went to try and stop someone so that they could take her to the hospital.

Monday, October 26, 2015

It's Never Always Easy to Do What You Know is Right

What´s up guys!

Crazy week! As always, haha! Heloisa, Vitória and Ana Clara were baptized on Saturday. I´ll tell you that it wasn´t easy but it was worth it. There´s not a better feeling then seeing them enter the waters of baptism. And not a worse feeling than recognizing that I entered the waters of baptism WITH MY CAMERA!!! Yep! my camera was in my pocket... :) and no it doesn´t work anymore. Nooooo! haha! After Ana Clara was baptized and was getting out of the water, I realized that something was in my pocket, and when I reached to grab it, I realized that it was my camera. haha, I tried to play it off really fast so that no one would see it, so iIthrew it over to the other side of the font while Vitória was entering. 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Leadership Training Londrina


Be Grateful for What You Have

Bom dia!

What´s up guys! man I´m loving the start of the new transfer in Cascavel. My new companion is Elder Riveiro. He´s from Uruguay and from Spain. He was living in Spain before his mission and went to Uruguay a month or two before he sent his mission papers. He has family in both countries. He´s a super cool guy and a really hard worker. He´s got lots of great ideas to help out the zone too.

Man lots of missionaries finished their mission last week and it was pretty sad to see them go. Lots of them were really good friends of mine. But the good thing is that I´ll see lots of them at BYU!
Maria Heloisa, Maria Vitória, and Ana Clara are on date for this weekend. Their baptism is marked for this Saturday. Pray for them that all goes well! They were actually going to baptized yesterday, but it ended up not working out and they got pretty down and upset. They really wanted to get baptized yesterday. They´re getting ready for this Saturday and are pretty excited!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Remembering My Friend Andrew Page... I Know He is Helping Me on My Mission

Bom dia! What´s up guys!

Transfers are today. I´m staying! Man I´m super happy cuz we have some great investigators prepping for baptism this next transfer! Maria Eloisa, Maria Vitoria and and Clara  had to travel this weekend. They went to spend the weekend with their dad in Medeaneira, a nearby city. But they went to church there with the missionaries working in that city! Maria Vitoria´s boyfriend went with them too that we´re teaching as well and he basically said that he wants to be baptized too! Their mom is doing well. She´s smoking less but it´s pretty hard to sit down and teach her cuz she´s always super busy. 

Pedro is progressing a lot. He´s prepping for his marriage in Novembro and is getting excited for his baptism as well!

I´m really starting to like the members in our ward. They´re pretty great! Sunday I went on splits with bishop to go see a few families as well.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Be Sure to Smile! It Helps to Lift Others....

Bom dia!

Man so much happened this week that I think I´m gonna forget to say it all. 

Zone Conference

First off, we had zone conference on Tuesday! Man it was super sweet to see my ex-companion, Elder Coelho give the training as the new assistant. Man he´s a flippin awesome missionary. On the way to Foz, we entered the park! We were like 10 minutes away from the waterfalls and we didn't go! Man! I was soooo close! Haha, who knows, maybe it will work out that i´ll get to see them before the end of my mission. 

Iguazu Falls that Trevor hopes to see someday. They are one of the seven wonders of the world.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Thanks for the Prayers!

What´s up guys!

Man this week ended up going like super well! We found a super awesome family. The mom is Marianne and she has 3 daughters, Maria eloisa (12), Maria something (11) and Ana Clara (8). They went to church yesterday and totally loved it. Marianne got kind of hungry towards the end, but she cried a couple times at church. We´ve made really good friends with the family and they´re really progressing. Marianne smokes a lot, but we´re helping them quit. Pray for them please, cuz they´re a really awesome family!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Pray for Miracles! We Need Them....

Bom Dia!

Hey do you guys remember when I told you that it is super cold here. well, that was a lie, cuz I´m totally dying of hotness here! Haha! The weather here has been crazy. Now it´s super hot and it looks like it´s gonna stay that way from here on out. But who knows, maybe next week it´ll be cold again, we´ll see.

This week I worked a lot with Elder Brown, one of the missionaries that I live with. It went pretty well. We found a few really great people that are really interested in the gospel.  We brought a few more investigators to church this week and we´re gonna start teaching them some more.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Freezing in Brazil...Pray for Us!

September 14, 2015
Bom Dia! Hey guys!  
Man this week has had a lot of traveling. On Tuesday we went to Toledo, which is a nearby city to watch the district meeting there, and then we went on splits with two of the Elders. It was pretty great! We found a few great people for them to teach! Then we  worked in Palotina in the sisters area to help them find a few people to teach. We found a few really great people there too. haha, so long story short, we didn´t get back to our area until late Thursday night. 

Saturday arrived and we didn´t have very many people to bring to church, so we went contacting  a few houses, looking for people to bring to church on Sunday. One of our last stops for the night was a family that we talked to last week, but we hadn´t found home yet. They answered the door, let us in, and the dad and his son went to church yesterday. The dad´s name is Claudemire. The mom would´ve gone, but had to take care of her step mom that´s been sick in bed for like 2-3 months. So they went to church and totally loved it! we taught the restoration and he agreed to pray.unfortunately he has to get maried, but baptism is somethingthat he realizes he needs and wants and really wants to be baptized! now we just have to help them ge married. Hopefully it won´t be too difficult, haha.

Monday, September 7, 2015

We Have to Ask and Believe if We Want God to Answer our Prayers

Leadership Council

Bom dia!

Hey guys! man I heard about what happened with the BYU game! crazy awesome! I live with an Elder Brown. He´s from Utah and we both totally freaked out when we found out what happened! haha!

I´m in Cascavel! It´s a pretty big city and I´m liking it here a lot! We´ve got a lot to do here but we´re excited to do it all. My new companion is Elder Esteban. He´s from Colombia. He´s a pretty cool guy an we´re getting along pretty well! we´re all pretty excited to work wonders here. We have a few investigators that we´re teaching here but we have to find a lot more. We only got to work in our area for about 3 days because of the meeting that we had with president Genaro at the start of the week. But it´s a lot easier to talk to people in the streets because there are a lot more people in the streets here! We found a few people that are pretty open to the Gospel, so we´re excited to see what happens with them.

I just found out that Viviane was baptized this past week! She´s an investigator of ours in Apucarana. She was baptized this past week! I´m super happy for her and everything. Elder De Lima stayed in Apucarana and baptized her.

Monday, August 31, 2015

The Lord is Preparing People to Accept the Gospel...The Gospel Blesses Families

Hey guys! Lots to say and little time to say it! 

First off, we had a baptism! Luiz was baptized yesterday! Wahoo! He´s a super cool guy. We ran into him knocking on doors a couple weeks ago. Long story short, he was baptized after church! He´s 17 years old. He´s a bit shy at first, but once you get to know him he´s a awesome guy with a great heart. He started prepping for baptism after our second visit. He was really prepared by the Lord. Yesterday he accepted the challenge to read the entire Book of Mormon in a year. Who knows. Maybe sometime soon he´ll decide to serve a mission too.

Monday, August 24, 2015

The Lord's Thoughts and Ways Aren't Always Our Ways

Hey guys!

First of I just wanted to give a shout out to Mark Lewis his family. Mark was a good neighbor and friend that passed away this week. Keep the Lewis family in your prayers please.

Mark Lewis a friend and neighborhood basketball buddy

This week went well. We have an awesome investigator named Luiz that we´re teaching. We´ve been teaching him for about a week now. We ran into him knocking on a few doors.  He went to church and really liked it. He´s on date too for this Sunday. He´s excited and we´re pretty excited too! We´re hoping it´ll all work out. He´s 17, and he's a bit shy, but he really listens the the messages and looks to learn more. The members seemed to like him a lot too!

Janaína went to church yesterday too! We work going to mark a baptismal date yesterday with her for this Sunday, but she wasn´t home...bummer. And during the week she leaves 7 am and gets back 10 at night. We´re going to see if we can find a day to teach her when she´ll be home. But she´s progressing a lot and is really liking the messages. It looks like she´s changed a bit and opened up a bit more since we started teaching her. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

My Mission is the Best Decision I Have Ever Made!

A tie given to Trevor from Jordyn's mission companion Sis. Sung  from Cambodia.  Matt had been wearing it and was sad to send it away. While he can't wear it on his mission I am sure he will wear it a lot when he gets home.

Bom dia! 

Hey Matt! Happy Birthday bro! Hard to believe you´re gonna be 18 dude! love you bro and hope you have an awesome birthday!

This week was pretty great. We found a lot of really great new investigators! Our teaching pool is starting to get a lot bigger. 

I don´t know if I told you last week, but a recent convert that was baptized in our area a week before I got here had to do a really serious and dangerous surgery this past week. but it went perfectly! It went so well that looks like he´s coming home from the hospital today. Man I was super relieved. We´re teaching his wife, Vivianne. She´s super awesome and believe in everything, but she told us that it will be in her time. But she loves the church and the missionaries. She was what we call and "eternal investigator", which means that they are taught for a long time. She was really touched at the help that the members gave  and the concern that they shared for her and her family. She basically told us recently that she wants to be baptized. She came to church on Sunday too. She knows what's the right decision to make. We´re going over today to see when exactly she wants to be baptized. But she´s super awesome and I sure hope she decides to be baptized before I´m transferred. (I probably on have two more weeks in this area, but we´ll see) I would really love to see her baptism, but we´ll see. Pray for her please!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Gospel Blesses Families

Aug. 10, 2015

Hey guys!

Where to start! Honestly I wasn´t in my area this week. I went of splits with Elder Antonio. He´s the missionary from Mozambique that I lived with for like 4 months! Man it was awesome! We worked a lot and shared some laughs too. He´s gotta be one of the funniest guys that I know. haha! We worked in his area for a day. He´s doing well.

Oh yeah! The Assistants came to our zone to help out this week! The went on splits with almost all of the missionaries in Apucarana. There are sisters in Arapongas (nearby city) so Elder Monk (assistant) and I went on a blitz over there to look for new people to teach. It was pretty fun. We worked a lot and found a few really awesome and receptive people. And it was pretty cool to work with Elder Monk, he´s a really great missionary and I learned a bunch! it was really great to see the APs come to help out the missionaries here. Most of them are new to the mission or have just turned senior companions. I´m sure it helped out the missionaries a lot. 

Monday, August 3, 2015

The Lord Works in Mysterious Ways

Bom dia! 

Crazy week! We went to Londrina this week for that meeting with President Genaro. Man it was super awesome to see some of my ex-companions and a few other missionaries. It´s hard to believe that they´re all going home soon! There are some that are going home at the end of this transfer! That was the last time that I would see them on the mission. But the meeting was really awesome. The assistants gave each companionship an assignment to give  a 10 minute training about a specific topic. Ours was how our job isn´t just to supervise and motivate  the missionaries that we take care of, but inspire, uplift, and bless them. It went pretty well. It was super awesome to see the other trainings from the other Elders. Pretty fun. 

I think my companion, Elder De Lima, has a good chance of being the new Assistant!  I´m rooting for him. He´s a really awesome missionary and a really hard worker. He´s a really great companion and he teaches really well. 

Monday, July 27, 2015

The Lord Really Answers Prayers

Bom dia!

What´s up my peeps!

This week was super great! My new comp is Elder De Lima! He´s from Recife, the Northeast of Brazil. Man he´s a super awesome missionary and he loves to work hard. Speaking of work, that´s exactly what we did this week. Lots of contacts and looking for people to teach. 

The zone is completely different now. Only 5 missionaries stayed. Everyone else is new here. They´re kind of lost trying to find their way around, but they´re excited to work here

Do you guys remember Raíssa? she´s an 11 year old girl that´s been coming to church a lot lately. We´ve been teaching her mom and trying to get her to church, but it looks like something always happens to stop her from going. Her mom really wants to know if the church is true though. She´s just gotta come to church.

Monday, July 20, 2015

It's a Small World... Love You Page Family!

Hey family and friends! 

First off: thank you family for the packages! Thanks Mom and Dad! Thanks Aunt Jackie and Aunt Christy! Thank you so much too Grandma Butler and Grandma Jackson! I´m so grateful for such a wonderful family that cares for me so much! You guys are awesome!

We had zone conference this week! It was super awesome! We totally learned a lot from President Genaro! Transfers are today! I´m staying in Apucarana! Wooh! I´m pretty excited! It´s gonna be a great to stay here for 6 more weeks! I was afraid of leaving because things are starting to look up! My new companion is going to be Elder De Lima. He´s a super great missionary. I don´t know him too well but I've heard lots about him. Elder Fagundes is going to Londrina. 

I finally went to see Cida and her family! They´re family members of some of my friends in North Carolina! I went there with one of the missionaries that works in that area, Elder Hendrix. They´re super nice people. We joked around a bit and showed them a church film called Our Heavenly Father´s Plan. They seemed to really enjoy it. Elder Hendrix and his companion are going to start teaching them some more this week. Man they´re such nice people. Unfortunately Rafael wasn't there, but Cida and Morgana were!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Time is Flying! Please Pray for Our Investigators....

Bom Dia!

Man I´ve got to say that this week was super crazy! It rained all day for like 4 days straight! man I´m dying. It´s kind of hard to talk to people about the gospel in the streets when there´s nobody in the street to talk to, haha. So yeah we got a lot of rain! It was pretty good though. Brazil is needing it.

We´re starting to teach a lot more and we have some investigators that are progressing a lot! Karem is doing really awesome! She had been praying to come closer to the Lord and that´s when we talked to her at the bus terminal. She believes that the church is true and everything. But she traveled this week to see her cousin so we didn´t get to teach her that much this week. She knows the church is true though. She´s looking for a house in the city, but she wants to find one that is in the boundaries of our branch, so that she can come here. The members here received her really well.

Ordaísa is doing well too! She really wants to be baptized and with her daugter too, but she has to stop smoking. She really wants to stop. She went to Arapongos this past weekend and went to the branch there because she loved the church so much. Pray for her please to help her stop smoking!

Monday, June 29, 2015


Bom Dia! 

This week was great! lots of our investigators finally came to church! Thanks for all the prayers! Man we caught the break that we were really needing. We found lots of new great investigators and brought the other ones to church. They´re all progressing really well.

I don´t know if I told you guys yet, but a little over a week ago we were at the terminal. I was talking with my comp about snow while we were waiting for the bus, and there was a girl looking at us and our nametags with a really curious look. So we started talking to her and we told her who we were. Then she asked about the book that was in my hand (the Book of Mormon), so I explained it to her and ended up giving it to her. She was super interested and super excited, but she lives in a nearby city like 30 kilometers away, so wouldn´t couldn´t go there to teach her. But we left her our number so that she could call with questions and stuff. She called this last Tuesday. She wanted to meet up at the church here in Apucarana to learn more about the Book of Mormon. So we went there, gave her a tour, and taught her about the Restoration of the Gospel and the Book of Mormon. She came to church too and is really progressing. Her name is Karem. So we´re super excited with how well she´s progressing. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Distance Between You and Heavenly Father is Your Knees and the Floor....

What´s up guys! 

I hope you all are enjoying your super hot summer. It´s still pretty cold here, and people keep telling me it´s gonna get even colder. Haha, but it´s all good. I´m totally loving it! It´s funny, when it hits like 50 degrees everyone is bundled up in these huge winter jackets and everything. 

But this week went well! Once again, thank you so much for all of the birthday wishes this week! My birthday was flippin awesome! The zone planned a mini surprise party for me after district meeting on Tuesday! I found out later that it was my comp., Elder Fagundes that planned it. haha, they made a cake and everything! hah! Caught me way off guard. and Tuesday night we bought pizza! (thanks for sending me the money to buy pizza mom! it was sweet!) so yeah my b-day was great! thanks for making it so great! Mission president usually calls to sing happy birthday for all the missionaries on their birthday. haha, but he forgot and so called me last night! Haha it was pretty awesome! I´M GETTING OLD!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Happy Birthday Trevor! Do the Best That You Can!

Bom dia!

Thank you all for all the birthday wishes! Man I´m getting old! I´m almost 20! I guess my teen years are over. 

We had a meeting with President Genaro on Wednesday in Londrina. It was super freakin awesome! The missionaries that are serving in my last area gave me a package. It was from Tiago and his family! They sent me a package for my b-day! Thank you sooooo much! It was super awesome and totally made my day. I was super glad to hear that his family is doing well. The missionaries are still teaching Vitoria, so please pray for her and her family. 

I was sick this entire week! I´m finally started to get better in the last couple of days. I woke up the morning of the meeting with President and I had last my voice almost completely. Man it was terrible. I went to the doctor´s on Thursday and they gave me some medicine and stuff that helped a lot. 

Monday, June 8, 2015

The Lord Hears and Answers Prayers.... A Night of Miracles!

Bom dia!

I´m sick! I´ve got a cold or something, which is crazy cuz the weather´s like in the  60s and 70s here. Pretty much everyone in our zone is getting sick. I think that more that half of the missionaries in the city have already caught it. It´s not too bad, just a sore throat in the morning and night. But other than that, I´m doing great! Transfers are today! I´m staying here in Apucarana for one more transfer! I was already expecting that but I'm happy with the transfer. 

This week was pretty good. It had its ups and downs. We found a few new investigators this week that we´re excited to start teaching a bit more. We had some really great people to bring to church on Sunday. João and Maria were coming as well as a Mom and here kids, but the both canceled on us on Saturday night, so that was a bit of a bummer. Maria had to work and João didn´t want to come without his wife,and the family went to visit their relatives. We have good investigators, but our biggest problem lately is getting them to church. Pray that they´ll come to church next week.

We started exploring some new parts of our area that we haven´t been to yet, and we´ll see if we find some success there.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Loving Every Minute of My Mission!! Grateful For Wonderful Members....

Bom Dia! 

What´s up my peeps! man this week was SO STINKIN COLD! Haha cold being under 60 degrees. Man I'm totally gonna die when I go back to BYU. But it rained a ton and was really windy. I actually had to use a jacket, which I´ve only used a couple times on my mission. 

Monday, May 25, 2015

Search for Spiritual Experiences....

Bom dia com muita alegria!

Hope everyone´s doing well over in the states.

This week went pretty well. We didn´t work too much in our area this week.

ON Wednesday we went on splits with the Elders in a nearby city called Arapongas. Elder Manz is there right now! He was one of my companions like 8 months ago. My comp went with Elder Manz, and I went with Elder Krewer. He´s a super new missionary. He´s like a month in on the mission but he totally loves to work. We were in his area knocking on a few doors when we asked for water from this lady that was sitting outside of her house. She let us in and we started talking to her a bit. She told us that a minute or two before we knocked on her door, she said a prayer asking for someone to come into her life to help her out. WOW! She had just moved here, and she felt alone and confused. We invited her to church and she said yes full heartedly. crazy awesome spiritual experience. There are just tons of small experiences like that on your mission that help your testimony grow a lot stronger. She went to church yesterday and the Elders are teaching her now. We´ll see what happens. 

Monday, May 18, 2015

Pray for Miracles...They Happen!

Bom dia!

Happy Anniversary mom and dad! Thank you guys for being the amazing parents that you are! Hope you guys had a great anniversary.

We had a baptism! Igor was baptized yesterday. He´s a recent convert´s son. Super aweome kid! His mom, was baptized in January. She wasn´t too active but she´s starting to come back to church.We helped Igor to be baptized yesterday! He´s a super funny guy! 

Monday, May 11, 2015

Mothers Have the Most Important Calling in the World

What´s up guys!

Man is was so great talking to you guys yesterday. I just realized yesterday that I´m never going to speak english again the way I used to, haha! jk! We´ll see after the mish. Actually a few weeks ago Tiago looked up the video of my mission call opening, and I heard my voice when I read my call! MAN I spoke so stinking WELL! I don´t know what happened but I was like fluent in English. haha!

I´m in Apucarana! It´s super awesome here! The members are really great and they treat the missionaries really well! My companion is Elder Fagundes. He´s a super cool guy. He´s a super good missionary and has had a lot of success on his mission! We´re really excited to work hard this transfer. 

Monday, May 4, 2015

New Adventures.... A Transfer to Apucarana!

Brother Paixo (Just got his mission call to Sao Paulo North Mission)

Bom dia!

I´m getting transferred! I´m going to Apucarana! It´s a city close to Maringá. I´ve heard it´s full of steep hills and stuff, so I guess I´ll get a pretty good workout! I´m pretty excited to work in my new area but also a bit sad to leave my area. It´s been for sure a great experience here and I´m really gonna miss a lot of people. 

Mother´s Day is next week! I´m stoked to talk to you guys! Haha, it´s kind of hard to believe that it´s gonna  be my 3rd skype on the mission. Time´s going by fast.

Elder Nascimento caught the bus to go to Londrina last night. He should be getting home on Wednesday afternoon. Man he is a really great guy. I´m sure gonna miss him. Lots of laughs.

This week was pretty good. But I´ll be honest. With this week being Elder Nascimento´s last week, we didn´t get as much work done as we wanted. There were a lot of dinner appointments with members and stuff. But it was pretty good! We sure ate a lot! Haha!

Monday, April 27, 2015

The Lord has a Hand in All Things....

Bom dia!
This is the last week of transfers. I can´t believe the transfer is going by so fast! then again i say that about every single transfer.

This week was sweet though! we brought this super awesome couple to church though yesterday. They were actually former investigator, but they were really receptive. We started out teaching Kátia, but then her husband was finally home and now we´re teaching him too! Kátia was in a bike accident recently and was feeling a bit of pain while she was at church, but they absolutely loved it. And what made it even better is that Thiago got his mission call yesterday at church and opened it at the end of sacrament meeting. He was teary and so were tons of other members, and they were really touched. Kátia said that they saw the members as a family. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Awesome Week!

What up!

Happy Birthday Dad! hope you have an awesome birthday this week! You too Momma Page! Hope it was awesome! love you guys so much.