Monday, December 22, 2014

First Brazilian Companion! So Excited!!

Dec. 8. 2014

Bom dia todo mundo! 

Man this week was crazy. I say that pretty much every week, but this week it was really was! 

Tuesday afternoon Elder Hendrix and I were doing the work of the Lord when the Assistants called. Elder Hendrix was transferred! We had to run back to the house so that he could pack all of his stuff. That night he caught the bus to go to his new area in a city called Campo Morão and I receive my first Brazilian companion! His name is Elder Mathos. He´s a really cool guy and i´m learning a lot with him. It was an emergency transfer. I

So yeah! I have a new companion now. I´m still in the same area though. I´m really liking my ward. The members sure take care of us. I just have to get used to the area though. We need to start finding a lot of new investigators because we don´t have too many right now. That´s what we´re going to focus on a lot this week. Finding people.

Oh yeah! I forgot! I gave my first lesson in English this week! We were walking on the street and some Brazilian guy started talking to us in English (wanting to show us that he spoke English). Then his wife came out. She´s from Australia but has been in Brazil for a year and a half. She already new a bit about the church and had some doubts, but since she doesn´t understand everything in Português, she asked me to speak in English. I had to teach her the Restoration in English. Man it was SOOO HAARRD. I´m totally screwed. You guys aren´t going to understand a word i´m saying. haha! nah jk, it wasn´t that bad, but I was totally speaking Portugenglish. haha! i think it´s when i talk about the gospel that i start to have problems speaking English. I felt bad, cuz my companion just sat there cuz he doesn´t speak English. He thought it was funny though because during the lesson i started speaking in Português, then switched to english, then swicthed back and so on. Haha! and afterwards I was talking to him about how it went for like 10 seconds when i realized i was speaking to him in English. Haha, we both had a good laugh.

So yeah this past week was pretty good. We brought a couple people to church. We´ll see how it goes with them this week. Boa semana! amo vocês!
Feliz Natal!

Elder Jackson

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