Monday, December 22, 2014

Seeing Miracles....

Dec. 1 2013

Getting some sun!  At a leadership conference in Londrina

Bom dia!

Hey guys! hope everyone is doing flipping awesome! 
Congrats Jordyn on fulfilling your mission. I´m sure it was a great experience and I can´t wait to talk to you about it at Christmas!

This week was pretty good, but a little slow with the work. We found a few new investigators this week, but we need to find more. There´s so much to do and little time to do it all. Our teaching pool is pretty small right now. we're trying to find more people right now.

We have an investigator named Paula that we brought to church this Sunday. She has testimony and everything, but has to stop smoking. She´s been trying for a while. We´re going to try to help her out a lot this week! She´s doing pretty well though. 

Guess what! We had lunch with President and Sister Genaro this week, since i´m serving in their ward! President Genaro is a super great mission president! It was super awesome! I got to sit down and talk to him and his family for like an hour. That doesn´t usually happen since he´s always so busy and has like 200 missionaries. It was really a special privelege.

This area isn´t the easiest, but then again, bad areas don´t exist. Elder Hendrix is doing really well. He likes to work and is learning really fast. We´re super stoked to work a lot this week. We´re going to do our best to have success and I know that the Lord will help us. 

I´m already seeing miracles here in the first two weeks. But yeah i´m almost out of time. Hope that everyone has a great week! love you all and miss you tons! boa semana! Falou

Elder Jackson

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